Tuesday, January 15, 2013


            In the months of transition after finishing school, I have been offered a chance to spend the 2013 year living in South Asia while interning with an organization called International Justice Mission, a Christian human-rights organization based in Washington, DC. This opportunity is an incredible honor that will allow me to continue humbly pursuing a passion for international human rights that has developed over the past three years.

            International Justice Mission is an organization working in multiple locations around the world to provide rescue and support services to victims and survivors of various egregious forms of exploitation, while endeavoring to ensure that local governments are also working on behalf of marginalized members of the community (visit www.ijm.org for details). This summer, IJM opened a new office in South Asia. Their focus is on advocacy and support for people in situations of forced labor slavery. There are currently an estimated 27 million people living in slavery around the world today. In many of these cases, an employer using debt bondage as a means of entrapment will offer a small loan to someone who intends to repay the debt through labor. Over time, the employer inflates the amount owed to ensure that the laborer can never repay the debt. The majority of known cases of forced labor slavery today exist in South Asia.
            As an Administrative Intern, I will focus my time on research compilation and provide administrative support to the office as it continues to establish itself. The office is so new that I will be their first and only intern of the year! It is my hope to learn as much as possible about the work of IJM while helping wherever my support is needed in a young office. Although I am confident of the Lord’s provision and entrust my life into His hands, there is no way that I can do His work in South Asia without the support of others, both prayerfully and financially. It is with joy that I ask you to join me in this venture.

           Living and working for 12 months in South Asia will cost over $30,000, most of which I am hoping to raise between now and when I depart in January. This cost covers expenses such as airfare, housing, daily costs of living, visas, immunizations, and insurance. If you are interested in supporting my work with IJM, please click the link below and select my name from the dropdown menu:


Prayer support will also be critical in this upcoming year. If you are willing, please pray for the IJM staff as they establish themselves in South Asia, for me in a trail-blazing year at a new office, and for the modern-day slaves whose lives IJM hopes to positively touch.

            Thank you so much for whatever support you are able to give. I look forward to sharing with you in seeing the ways the Lord is moving in South Asia. Please do not hesitate to contact me at alice.anderson@gordon.edu with any questions about giving and this upcoming year!

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